分词 Participle
1 英语愿意
2 英文解释
participle noun
the form of a verb that in English usually ends in "ed" or "ing" and is used as an adjective:
In the sentences "He's sleeping" and "I've already eaten", the words "sleeping" and "eaten" are both participles.
A participle is a form of a verb used as either an adjective (“the hidden treasure”) or a part of certain tenses (“we are hiding the treasure”). Participles have two different types, the present participle and past participle, and participles used as adjectives can form a longer participle phrase (“Hidden in the bushes, the treasure was hard to see”).
3 中文解释
“分词”英语是Participle,来自拉丁语Participium,系pars-capere的合成,pars是部分的意思(来自英语的Part),capere是“拿”“取”的意思(来自英语的ac-cept、oc-cupy),是说“分词,(从动词、名词身上)各拿了一部分”。比方说英语的分词,区分时态(“现在”分词、“过去”分词),还能接宾语(He's stealing money),这些是动词的特性;可是分词又可以直接修饰名词(a laughing man),也可以做系动词的补语(a man is kissed),这是形容词(广义名词)的特性。另一方面说,分词的动词性和名词性都不全,例如英语分词不分语气(*直言分词、*虚拟分词、*命令分词),也没有数(*单数分词、*複数分词——当然英语形容词本来就不变格)。
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