包络线 envelope
1 英语原意
2 单词的含义
An envelope is something that envelops, or wraps around. It usually refers to the thing you stick a stamp on and snail mail.
含义1: a flat usually paper container (as for a letter)(平常的信件)
含义2: something that envelops : WRAPPER(包裹)
the envelope of air around the earth(地球周围的空气包裹)
含义3 a: the outer covering of an aerostat(飞行器外壳)
b: the bag containing the gas in a balloon or airship(气球或飞艇中装有气体的袋子)
含义4 a: a natural enclosing covering (such as a membrane, shell, or integument)(天然封闭覆盖物(如膜、壳或外皮))
b: a lipoprotein unit membrane that forms the outer layer of some virions(形成一些病毒粒子外层的脂蛋白单位膜)
含义5 a: a curve tangent to each of a family of curves(与曲线族中的每一条相切的曲线)
b: a surface tangent to each of a family of surfaces(与一系列表面中的每个表面相切的表面)
含义6: a set of performance limits (as of an aircraft) that may not be safely exceeded(一组不能安全超过的性能限制(比如飞机))
also : the set of operating parameters that exists within these limits(存在于这些限制内的操作参数集)
含义7: a conventionally accepted limit(约定俗成的限值)
new computers that push the envelope
4 包络线英文解释 Envelope of a Family of Curves
Consider a one-parameter family of plane curves defined by the equation
where C is a parameter.
The envelope of this family of curves is a curve such that at each point it touches tangentially one of the curves of the family (Figure 1).
Example: Find the envelope of the family of ellipses defined by the equation
provided that a²+b²=1
the final equation of the envelope is given by
This equation describes a square
4 包络线中文解释