夹逼定理 Squeeze Theorem、Sandwich Theorem

1 英文原意

夹逼定理:Squeeze Theorem、Sandwich Theorem

2 英文解释

squeeze(动词),to press something firmly, especially from all sides in order to change its shape, reduce its size, or remove liquid from it((尤指从各方面)挤压,捏,挤,榨)

The squeeze theorem (also known as sandwich theorem) states that if a function f(x) lies between two functions g(x) and h(x) and the limits of each of g(x) and h(x) at a particular point are equal (to L), then the limit of f(x) at that point is also equal to L. This looks something like what we know already in algebra. If a ≤ b ≤ c and a = c then b is also equal to c. The squeeze theorem says that this rule applies to limits as well.(挤压定理(也称为三明治定理)指出,如果函数 f(x)  位于两个函数 g(x) 和 h(x)  之间,并且 g(x)  和 h(x) 在特定点的极限等于(到 L),那么 f(x)  在该点的极限也等于 L。这看起来有点像我们在代数中已经知道的。如果 a ≤ b ≤ c 且 a = c,则 b 也等于 c。挤压定理说这条规则也适用于极限。)

夹逼定理 Squeeze Theorem、Sandwich Theorem

3 中文解释

夹逼定理(英文:Squeeze Theorem、Sandwich Theorem),也称两边夹定理、夹逼准则、夹挤定理、迫敛定理、三明治定理,是判定极限存在的两个准则之一。

一个函数被夹在另外两个函数之间,即g≤f≤h,那么函数 f 的极限就是这两个函数的极限。


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